About Our InitiativeOur committee consists of state and local partnerships from PA Fish and Boat Commission, Trout Unlimited to local conservation organizations. These partnerships work together to build state and local networks to assist in the formation and implementation of events/programs to introduce females and diverse audiences to the world of waterway conservation, fishing and the variety of ways to enjoy PA’s waterways.
These partnerships, networks, outreach strategies, programs, and projects ultimately work to create awareness and connection to the importance of healthy waters and the recreational activities PA waterways offer (e.g. fishing, paddling, camping/hiking near). Follow us on Facebook to see what our mentors and friends are doing throughout Pennsylvania! |
The Women, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiative is a committee of the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited.
Follow this link if you're interested in donating to the PA Council to support programs such as Women, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Follow this link if you're interested in donating to the PA Council to support programs such as Women, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Healthy water = healthy communities for both aquatic life and humans AND good fishing 😉